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2024-06-28 13:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Overview 露

`grpc_zap` is a gRPC logging middleware backed by ZAP loggers

It accepts a user-configured `zap.Logger` that will be used for logging completed gRPC calls. The same `zap.Logger` will be used for logging completed gRPC calls, and be populated into the `context.Context` passed into gRPC handler code.

You can use `Extract` to log into a request-scoped `zap.Logger` instance in your handler code. The fields set on the logger correspond to the grpc_ctxtags.Tags attached to the context.

This package also implements request and response *payload* logging, both for server-side and client-side. These will be logged as structured `jsonbp` fields for every message received/sent (both unary and streaming). For that please use `Payload*Interceptor` functions for that. Please note that the user-provided function that determines whetether to log the full request/response payload needs to be written with care, this can significantly slow down gRPC.

ZAP can also be made as a backend for gRPC library internals. For that use `ReplaceGrpcLogger`.

Please see examples and tests for examples of use.

Example (HandlerUsageUnaryPing) 露

Simple unary handler that adds custom fields to the requests's context. These will be used for all log statements.

package main import ( pb_testproto "" "context" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Initialization shows a relatively complex initialization sequence. func main(zapLogger *zap.Logger, customFunc grpc_zap.CodeToLevel) *grpc.Server { // Shared options for the logger, with a custom gRPC code to log level function. opts := []grpc_zap.Option{ grpc_zap.WithLevels(customFunc), } // Make sure that log statements internal to gRPC library are logged using the zapLogger as well. grpc_zap.ReplaceGrpcLogger(zapLogger) // Create a server, make sure we put the grpc_ctxtags context before everything else. server := grpc.NewServer( grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), ) return server } // Initialization shows an initialization sequence with the duration field generation overridden. func main(zapLogger *zap.Logger) *grpc.Server { opts := []grpc_zap.Option{ grpc_zap.WithDurationField(func(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field { return zap.Int64("grpc.time_ns", duration.Nanoseconds()) }), } server := grpc.NewServer( grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), ) return server } // Simple unary handler that adds custom fields to the requests's context. These will be used for all log statements. func main() interface{} { x := func(ctx context.Context, ping *pb_testproto.PingRequest) (*pb_testproto.PingResponse, error) { // Add fields the ctxtags of the request which will be added to all extracted loggers. grpc_ctxtags.Extract(ctx).Set("custom_tags.string", "something").Set("", 1337) // Extract a request-scoped zap.Logger and log a message. grpc_zap.Extract(ctx).Info("some ping") return &pb_testproto.PingResponse{Value: ping.Value}, nil } return x } Output:

Index 露 Variables func DefaultClientCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level func DefaultCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level func DurationToDurationField(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field func DurationToTimeMillisField(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field func Extract(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger func PayloadStreamClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor func PayloadStreamServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor func PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor func PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor func ReplaceGrpcLogger(logger *zap.Logger) func StreamClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor func StreamServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor func UnaryClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor func UnaryServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor type CodeToLevel type DurationToField type Option func WithCodes(f grpc_logging.ErrorToCode) Option func WithDurationField(f DurationToField) Option func WithLevels(f CodeToLevel) Option Examples 露 Package (HandlerUsageUnaryPing) Constants 露

This section is empty.

Variables 露 View Source var ( // SystemField is used in every log statement made through grpc_zap. Can be overwritten before any initialization code. SystemField = zap.String("system", "grpc") // ServerField is used in every server-side log statment made through grpc_zap.Can be overwritten before initialization. ServerField = zap.String("span.kind", "server") ) View Source var ( // ClientField is used in every client-side log statement made through grpc_zap. Can be overwritten before initialization. ClientField = zap.String("span.kind", "client") ) View Source var DefaultDurationToField = DurationToTimeMillisField

DefaultDurationToField is the default implementation of converting request duration to a Zap field.

View Source var ( // JsonPBMarshaller is the marshaller used for serializing protobuf messages. JsonPbMarshaller = &jsonpb.Marshaler{} ) Functions 露 func DefaultClientCodeToLevel 露 func DefaultClientCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level

DefaultClientCodeToLevel is the default implementation of gRPC return codes to log levels for client side.

func DefaultCodeToLevel 露 func DefaultCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level

DefaultCodeToLevel is the default implementation of gRPC return codes and interceptor log level for server side.

func DurationToDurationField 露 func DurationToDurationField(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field

DurationToDurationField uses a Duration field to log the request duration and leaves it up to Zap's encoder settings to determine how that is output.

func DurationToTimeMillisField 露 func DurationToTimeMillisField(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field

DurationToTimeMillisField converts the duration to milliseconds and uses the key `grpc.time_ms`.

func Extract 露 func Extract(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger

Extract takes the call-scoped Logger from grpc_zap middleware.

It always returns a Logger that has all the grpc_ctxtags updated.

func PayloadStreamClientInterceptor 露 func PayloadStreamClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor

PayloadStreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming client interceptor that logs the paylods of requests and responses.

func PayloadStreamServerInterceptor 露 func PayloadStreamServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor

PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor returns a new server server interceptors that logs the payloads of requests.

This *only* works when placed *after* the `grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor`. However, the logging can be done to a separate instance of the logger.

func PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor 露 func PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor

PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor returns a new unary client interceptor that logs the paylods of requests and responses.

func PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor 露 func PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor

PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptors that logs the payloads of requests.

This *only* works when placed *after* the `grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor`. However, the logging can be done to a separate instance of the logger.

func ReplaceGrpcLogger 露 func ReplaceGrpcLogger(logger *zap.Logger)

ReplaceGrpcLogger sets the given zap.Logger as a gRPC-level logger. This should be called *before* any other initialization, preferably from init() functions.

func StreamClientInterceptor 露 func StreamClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor

StreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming client interceptor that optionally logs the execution of external gRPC calls.

func StreamServerInterceptor 露 func StreamServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor

StreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming server interceptor that adds zap.Logger to the context.

func UnaryClientInterceptor 露 func UnaryClientInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor

UnaryClientInterceptor returns a new unary client interceptor that optionally logs the execution of external gRPC calls.

func UnaryServerInterceptor 露 func UnaryServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor

UnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptors that adds zap.Logger to the context.

Types 露 type CodeToLevel 露 type CodeToLevel func(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level

CodeToLevel function defines the mapping between gRPC return codes and interceptor log level.

type DurationToField 露 type DurationToField func(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field

DurationToField function defines how to produce duration fields for logging

type Option 露 type Option func(*options) func WithCodes 露 func WithCodes(f grpc_logging.ErrorToCode) Option

WithCodes customizes the function for mapping errors to error codes.

func WithDurationField 露 func WithDurationField(f DurationToField) Option

WithDurationField customizes the function for mapping request durations to Zap fields.

func WithLevels 露 func WithLevels(f CodeToLevel) Option

WithLevels customizes the function for mapping gRPC return codes and interceptor log level statements.






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